Weekend July in the Hunter
We went up to visit Jas's family and Nanny and Poppy on the weekend. We left Friday night and returned 8.45pm Sunday night and ordered Thai food home delivery. It takes about 4 hours to drive and Joaquin and Zalia usually have a sleep in the car. Joaquin was not too crash hot when we picked him up from preschool just after 4pm on Friday. The preschool teacher said he had some apple and vomited. He did not want to go to preschool that morning and was upset, I think he was already coming down with something, poor little thing.
In Scone we had fun, everyone had a go on the motorbike even little Zalia who is 14 months, she is a bit of a daredevil. Joaquin also enjoys it so much, in his Thomas the tank boots. He loves to play with his cousins and wanted to play Lego with his older 8 year old cousin.
We had a lovely dinner on Saturday night to celebrate the birthdays during the last few months. Jas mother made roast pork and chicken with vegetables and there was a freddo the frog ice cream cake for desert that everyone loves. Joaquin received a lot of presents for his birthday (he turned 4 in June). I think he was happy to spend time with his grandparents and cousins.
He says he wants to have a gold fish as a pet.

In Scone we had fun, everyone had a go on the motorbike even little Zalia who is 14 months, she is a bit of a daredevil. Joaquin also enjoys it so much, in his Thomas the tank boots. He loves to play with his cousins and wanted to play Lego with his older 8 year old cousin.
We had a lovely dinner on Saturday night to celebrate the birthdays during the last few months. Jas mother made roast pork and chicken with vegetables and there was a freddo the frog ice cream cake for desert that everyone loves. Joaquin received a lot of presents for his birthday (he turned 4 in June). I think he was happy to spend time with his grandparents and cousins.
He says he wants to have a gold fish as a pet.
