Day 19 Self Isolation at home Friday 5 April 2020
Thank goodness today is Friday. The kids had home schooling and have worked hard this week.
Zalia did this drawing for school.

We made dippy eggs for lunch and toast as little soldiers. The kids wanted this.
Jason and I had sandwiches on fresh sourdough he bought from Bake Bar. It had sliced cheese,tomato, mayonnaise, and onion. He says I am the sandwich queen.
I spoke to my mum and Zalia takes photos.

After school work had ended. We got ready to have dinner. We have been having early dinners. Dinner was steak cooked on bbq, salad and some veggies.

Then we made popcorn on the stove and watched Ralph Breaks the Internet 2. I have not watched the first one. I liked it but I slept through it a bit. The moral of this movie is don't be clingy, let your friends be free and don't be insecure.
