lovely week
Starting to feel much better with my life, and coping with the two little ones. Its friday and has been a very busy week for me.
1) I went to the movies Mums and Bubs on Monday with the mums from my mothers group. Saw Eat Love Pray, it was good, and Zalia was even better, she was so well behaved. It was her first movie and my first one in a long long time. I fed her, she fell asleep and I played with her. There were babies crying but Zalia was a good little girl.
After this went to the local Vinnies op shop with another mum, I ended up buying a black dress but there was a Jummy CHoo clutch (we think was the real deal) made in Italy for $25 but I did not buy it.
Also went to anther op shop on the way home, all was $5 on sale, bought a white shirt, a bit small but nice. In that shop there were more than 20 white wedding dresses on sale for $5 I am sure someone would have a fab time looking through them.
3) tuesday took Joaquin to the park, queenspark and met another mum and her 3 year old. Joaquin played a lot, we had lunch at the cafe across the road. Joaquin ate very well, a toasted ham and cheese sandwich and some muffin. We then went back to the park to play. Joaquin did a p and I had to clean him there, not a pretty site, but oh well. He is happy and eating well and has not been sick in over 2 weeks which is great. Zalia is always good, happy, sleeps, feeds and plays. She was not sleeping at night though and getting up every few hours for a feed and a talk. Drove all of us batty.
2) I also taught at uni on Wednesday, paleontology lab, that was good, i feel a bit rusty but was my first time teaching that lab, and first time teaching in over a year. jas did not go to work and he looked after Z and bonded with her. I fed her at 8.20 before I went to uni and then he fed her a formula bottle at 12ish after she woke up from her morning sleep.
Then they bothed picked me at uni, we then picked up Joaquin and walked home. Joaquin was over the moon to have his daddy pick him up. The teachers at his preschool are quite amazed at him, he knows all the dinosaurs bar one (the one with the funny head) and yesterday he suprised us all by telling us its name Pachycephalosaurus. Thats a mouth full for a 3 year old.
I love his preschool, it is connected though to the local church and I would like to him to learn a bit more about his other cultural background.

3) yesterday Thursday had a lovely day, went to the antique shop around the corner, and suprise suprise I bought 2 beautiful silver bangles, one was $120 and the other $30. I really like them and should take a photo. Also walked to BJ with Zalia and met up with a friend and her 20 month old newphew. The caught bus to Randwick and picked up Joaquin from preschool. He had a good time and is always happy to see me.
The went to a playdate at a friends house across the road.
Zalia is sleeping better, waking once or twice at night only. She had pureed carrot last night and loved it. Also eating puree banana
1) I went to the movies Mums and Bubs on Monday with the mums from my mothers group. Saw Eat Love Pray, it was good, and Zalia was even better, she was so well behaved. It was her first movie and my first one in a long long time. I fed her, she fell asleep and I played with her. There were babies crying but Zalia was a good little girl.
After this went to the local Vinnies op shop with another mum, I ended up buying a black dress but there was a Jummy CHoo clutch (we think was the real deal) made in Italy for $25 but I did not buy it.
Also went to anther op shop on the way home, all was $5 on sale, bought a white shirt, a bit small but nice. In that shop there were more than 20 white wedding dresses on sale for $5 I am sure someone would have a fab time looking through them.
3) tuesday took Joaquin to the park, queenspark and met another mum and her 3 year old. Joaquin played a lot, we had lunch at the cafe across the road. Joaquin ate very well, a toasted ham and cheese sandwich and some muffin. We then went back to the park to play. Joaquin did a p and I had to clean him there, not a pretty site, but oh well. He is happy and eating well and has not been sick in over 2 weeks which is great. Zalia is always good, happy, sleeps, feeds and plays. She was not sleeping at night though and getting up every few hours for a feed and a talk. Drove all of us batty.
2) I also taught at uni on Wednesday, paleontology lab, that was good, i feel a bit rusty but was my first time teaching that lab, and first time teaching in over a year. jas did not go to work and he looked after Z and bonded with her. I fed her at 8.20 before I went to uni and then he fed her a formula bottle at 12ish after she woke up from her morning sleep.
Then they bothed picked me at uni, we then picked up Joaquin and walked home. Joaquin was over the moon to have his daddy pick him up. The teachers at his preschool are quite amazed at him, he knows all the dinosaurs bar one (the one with the funny head) and yesterday he suprised us all by telling us its name Pachycephalosaurus. Thats a mouth full for a 3 year old.
I love his preschool, it is connected though to the local church and I would like to him to learn a bit more about his other cultural background.
3) yesterday Thursday had a lovely day, went to the antique shop around the corner, and suprise suprise I bought 2 beautiful silver bangles, one was $120 and the other $30. I really like them and should take a photo. Also walked to BJ with Zalia and met up with a friend and her 20 month old newphew. The caught bus to Randwick and picked up Joaquin from preschool. He had a good time and is always happy to see me.
The went to a playdate at a friends house across the road.
Zalia is sleeping better, waking once or twice at night only. She had pureed carrot last night and loved it. Also eating puree banana