a little bit of this, a little bit of that

It has been nice relaxing at home this weekend.
We stayed indoors, cooking and hanging out.

These flowers outside our window are in full bloom. They are like big red match sticks and they attrack bees and small litte hummingbirds that have a bright emerald chest.

Zalia made the little cupcake holder in her preschool and it came with one chocolate and Joaquin got a little cup with the little yellow chick with some chocolates he made with bon bons in his class.

Coffee was a must every morning.

This is the bag of carrots we bought at the Trevelin fair for $16 pesos, approximately $2.50 australian dollars.

Zalia and her giraffe puppet. She is currently sleeping with it and can not get enough of it. It was actually a gift to Joaquin but she has taken ownership of it.


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