cousins came to visit

We had a great weekend.
The country cousins came to visit.
On Saturday we went to the Powerhouse Museum to see the Lego exhibit. It was a small exhibit only on this weekend. The lines were enormous and it was raining outside.
I arrived late as I had gone at 6.45am to Centennial Park for my first class for my 12 week winter challenge. I got a lift with a friend and she dropped me of at home at 9am and everyone had left by then.
I made myself a yummy breakfast and had a shower and found it so strange being at home, alone.
I made my way to Powerhouse and it was raining so much but thankfully I caught the tram to Paddy's market from Central Station and managed to stay dry.
After the museum we walked to China town and had some lunch. The kids had fun being in the city and admiring the buildings, the cars, the escalators, the people. We managed to sneak a quick shopping trip to Paddy's market and the kids bought some cheap toys (I bought Joaquin a toy train for $5).
Later we caught the monorail back to Centerpoint and walked to the bus near Hyde Park. On the way home we stopped at the Royal Hotel in Randwick for a beer and wine. Joaquin was exhausted and slept while we were there. When we left it was dinner time. We walked home in the dark, thankfully the rain had eased. We got in our jammies and ordered home delivered pizza for the kids for dinner, we had thai and Jas's dad and brother had a steak and some chips. We drank wine and stayed warm. It was a nice day.
On Sunday the kids played and Joaquin was a bit tired, and cried. I took photos of him crying and thought he was so cute. He had fun playing with his cousins. We played "Shop" with the wiggles shop items and fake money, we had a hairdresser in the shop and Sophie was the hairdresser doing Z's hair and Joaquin's hair.
Everyone left after lunch.
Jas took the kids to the shops and bought a chook for dinner.
He made a lovely roast chook, roast veggies and some gravy. It was really delicious and so comforting.
The weekend was great1


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