Joaquin is now 5 years old
Here Joaquin is 4 years old, nearly 5.
But today Joaquin is 5 years old! He is all grown up. I can not believe it but really it is the best thing, he is so sweet, he is a charmer, a bit of sensitive soul and very intelligent with a great memory for everything.
Here i took a photo on the 8th June just before he woke up.

Here is his photo just after waking up.

He opened his presents, --> a lot of lego and a jumper from Zara, and a playmobil jeep and rhino.
Jas made him pancakes
He went to preschool, and played with his friends and had cupcakes at preschool made by the teachers there.
I picked him up before 3pm.
We walked home.
I made him a chocolate cake, and some blondes.
His friends came over, We had cake, blew out the candle and he played with his friends T and J.
When they left Jas went to buy some fish for dinner.
He had his favourite dinner, baked salmon fillets, and home made chips.
We had a carrot, chile and feta salad. Very yummy.
We played with lego.
But today Joaquin is 5 years old! He is all grown up. I can not believe it but really it is the best thing, he is so sweet, he is a charmer, a bit of sensitive soul and very intelligent with a great memory for everything.
Here i took a photo on the 8th June just before he woke up.

Here is his photo just after waking up.
He opened his presents, --> a lot of lego and a jumper from Zara, and a playmobil jeep and rhino.
Jas made him pancakes
He went to preschool, and played with his friends and had cupcakes at preschool made by the teachers there.
I picked him up before 3pm.
We walked home.
I made him a chocolate cake, and some blondes.
His friends came over, We had cake, blew out the candle and he played with his friends T and J.
When they left Jas went to buy some fish for dinner.
He had his favourite dinner, baked salmon fillets, and home made chips.
We had a carrot, chile and feta salad. Very yummy.
We played with lego.