Need a spring cleaning
Spring has sprung in Sydney and the last few days have been gorgeous. I still get up with a sore throat every morning and have not been sleeping well. Due to staying up late and watching Season 1 and 2 of Mad Men on the IPad. Jas gets angry with me as teamed up with staying up till 2.00 am watching a fabulous show set in the early 60s in Manhattan, I am still feeding Zalia every three hours, 12, 3am and 6am and then 9am and so and so. Zalia has been quite sick with yucky green mucousy poos and very harsh coughs, but has not had fever for over a week. Joaquin is also feeling better with just a cough and clear snot. He went to daycare yesterday and is very clingy with Jas. I think it is because my parents are leaving tomorrow to Argentina and he can feel this. He is very very perceptive and very sensitive. He was upset this morning at 6.30am when Jas left for work and kissed him goodbye. Joaquin cried out for his daddy saying "He has cold lips", (Jas had just washed his teeth before he came into the bedroom to kiss us goodbye) so I had to kiss him better and he told me "your lips are warm and much nicer mummy".
I am feeling tired and hopefully it is not my thyroid hormone. It is nearly 6 weeks since my thyroid operation and I have to have a blood test this week to see how the TSH thryoxine hormone is, ie; Is my thyroid functioning well and producing thyroxine even though I only have half a thyroid? I am still concious of the scar on my throat and wear a scarf around my neck as not to scare little kids I may come across in playgrounds across the Eastern Suburb. Joaquin asks me now and then when he notices my throat and scar, "What is that Mummy?".
Yesterday I went a bit shopping mad with the money I got from HCF after the operation i bought:
1) peachy scarf from Sportsgirl
2) Grey marle cut out asymmetrical top from Sportsgirl $29.95
3) black loose pants from Target
I had lunch with my parents at a new sushi train in Bondi Junction with each plate at $2.70. In the end we always end up eating too much.
I bought my mother some day cream with SPF 15 for her to use and some hair dye and eyebrow dye.
I went into Bondi Junction Westfields to try to get a hat for Zalia and ended up after going to many children's clothing shops and seeing all baby hats for a staggering $20, a stripy hat for $16.
I went into Target and bought some summer outfits for Zalia and a few shorts and t-shirts for Joaquin. Kids clothing was %20 off, I even ended up buying a cute summary outfit for Zalia that had three pieces, a summer hat, a little dress and some bloomer pants. I spent $150 in total. Which is not too much but I always feel guilty spending so much when others have nothing.
I will miss my parents so much, but it is a new start. It will be good for them to spend a few weeks in Buenos Aires, they need their lives back, and we need our lives back. We need to do a spring clean and get our home back in order and get organised, throw old things out, give things away and stop the cluttered look.

Images from Re-nest
I am feeling tired and hopefully it is not my thyroid hormone. It is nearly 6 weeks since my thyroid operation and I have to have a blood test this week to see how the TSH thryoxine hormone is, ie; Is my thyroid functioning well and producing thyroxine even though I only have half a thyroid? I am still concious of the scar on my throat and wear a scarf around my neck as not to scare little kids I may come across in playgrounds across the Eastern Suburb. Joaquin asks me now and then when he notices my throat and scar, "What is that Mummy?".
Yesterday I went a bit shopping mad with the money I got from HCF after the operation i bought:
1) peachy scarf from Sportsgirl
2) Grey marle cut out asymmetrical top from Sportsgirl $29.95
3) black loose pants from Target
I had lunch with my parents at a new sushi train in Bondi Junction with each plate at $2.70. In the end we always end up eating too much.
I bought my mother some day cream with SPF 15 for her to use and some hair dye and eyebrow dye.
I went into Bondi Junction Westfields to try to get a hat for Zalia and ended up after going to many children's clothing shops and seeing all baby hats for a staggering $20, a stripy hat for $16.
I went into Target and bought some summer outfits for Zalia and a few shorts and t-shirts for Joaquin. Kids clothing was %20 off, I even ended up buying a cute summary outfit for Zalia that had three pieces, a summer hat, a little dress and some bloomer pants. I spent $150 in total. Which is not too much but I always feel guilty spending so much when others have nothing.
I will miss my parents so much, but it is a new start. It will be good for them to spend a few weeks in Buenos Aires, they need their lives back, and we need our lives back. We need to do a spring clean and get our home back in order and get organised, throw old things out, give things away and stop the cluttered look.

Images from Re-nest