Zalia 11 months
Zalia is 11 months. She is growing too fast. She points when she wants things, she screaches when she wants things and does not get them, she moves her hand when i sing "Que linda manito que tengo yo, que linda manito que mami me dio", she understands so much more, she is standing up but leaning and holding on by herself, she crawls up stairs, she is very quick if a ball comes to her and pushes it away.
She eats everything I give her and has 3 big meals a day, plus yoghurt and fruit and biscuits as snacks, and breastfeeds and has a bottle at night (80mls after he last feed), she is waking up still once at 1am and then 5.30am or 6am but then going back to sleep after a feed. It is still exhausting but it is much better then her constant feeds as a new born.

She eats everything I give her and has 3 big meals a day, plus yoghurt and fruit and biscuits as snacks, and breastfeeds and has a bottle at night (80mls after he last feed), she is waking up still once at 1am and then 5.30am or 6am but then going back to sleep after a feed. It is still exhausting but it is much better then her constant feeds as a new born.
