Getting back to normal

Today, finally, after a whole week, Wednesday has arrived. I don't know why I say FINALLY as i have no real urgency for Wednesday to be here.
Only because it is a beautiful morning, Joaquin feels better and we will go to the park and meet with Z's mummy's group. This wednesday Joaquin can join in the festivities as I am not sending him to preschool due to his broken arm.
After breakfast, the kids play together while I clean up, empty the dishwasher and have my own breakfast.

My life is good at the moment, apart from my son having a broken arm and it being harder for him.  I am on holidays for two weeks from teaching at uni and thankfully I can stay at home with my children while Joaquin's arm mends.
I feel so lucky to have healthy good children and everything i could need or want.

Have you read Eden's blog and what she is up to in Niger on a mission for World Vision? There is a food crisis in Niger.


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