Day 5 At home social isolation Saturday 21 March 2020

Today is Saturday 21 March.
It is Day 5 in Self Quarantine social isolation.
Number of people with Covid19 in Australia: 877 (as from Friday 20 March)
Number tested: ?
Number died? 7 people so far. 

I feel a little anxious, depressed, unsure. This is all how it will be. I have felt this before.
Dealt with this before. How I deal with uncertainty and worry and anxiety: Usually I deal with this by talking to family, making a list of what I want to achieve for the day and doing things, going for a run or getting into nature, doing art, cleaning, doing something scientific for my own academic growth.

The list for today is:
Make bed and get dressed first thing in the morning.
Write down the lists.
Write in my blog.
Go for a run or get outside of exercise, and in this age try not to come into contact with anyone.
Get into nature.
Wash sheets or clothes.
Call my parents.
Call my brother.
Look at tweets.
Look at instagram (but limit my time).
Make breakfast for kids.
Do some art.
Do some data analysis and measurements.
Organise my pdf files on marsupial embryology.
Today I am going to bake Claudia Roden orange and almond flour cake.
Put sheets away in Linen cupboard and clean cupboard.
Clean the floor after Jason finishes making beer.

So far today I have:
Spoken to my brother in Cordoba who is in lockdown.
Went on twitter and read about COVID19 and how people are dealing with it, symptoms of people who test negative and then test positive.
Made my bed.
Washed one load of washing.
Emptied dishwasher.
Got dressed-ready for a run.
Charging my headphones to listen to music while I run.
Written in my diary my list of things.
Attempting to go for a run.
Applied for a job at the Australian Museum and sent it 10 min ago.
Writing in my blog.

What my family is doing now:
Jason has gone to wash the car.
Joaquin is playing fortnight with his friend Theo. He is making breakfast.
Zalias is watching a movie with headphones on the iPad.


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