Friday March 6 2020 My birthday day time
Today was my birthday.
I woke up on the wrong side of bed. But Why? I should be so happy it is my birthday and I am where I am and have what I have.
I have my family, my parents, my brother, my health, my friends. I live in a peaceful country and am able to change my circumstances when I feel the need to do so.
I did not order the kids lunch. I forgot to order Z's lunch but my parents came over, picked us up and drove us to school. I ordered her lunch from Canteen at school. She had PSSA cricket but it ended up being cancelled. She loves playing cricket.
J orders his own lunch but ended up not taking his wallet and so did not have lunch.
I went to the pharmacy at Randwick as I had ordered some items online to make my own alcohol gel solution- as you all know CORONAVIRUS.
I got the idea from here Messynesschic Blog:
My parents then drove me back home, even though I could have easily walked there and back.
My friend Erica's cute little 14 week caboodle puppy called COCO.
My friend Erica picked me up. We went and had lunch at coogee beach and tried the Fish Bowl and had a salmon poke bowl by the beach. It was nice.
I have been sad. But it was nice being with Erica.
We went to St Vinnies, our favourite second hand shop but did not buy anything.
Erica dropped me at home. We had milky tea and then picked up Z at school. She was able to nurse Coco in the car.
