Australia in 2020

Australia is changing, the new government has a new initiative, the 2020 summit "to harness the best ideas for building a modern Australia that is ready for the challenges of the 21 st century" to do this the "Summit will bring together some of the best and brightest brains from across the country to tackle the long term challenges confronting Australia’s future –challenges which require long-term responses from the nation beyond the usual three year electoral cycle."
To do this the Australian Government will: bring together 1000 leading Australians to the national Parliament to debate and develop long-term options for the nation across 10 critical areas:
  1. The Productivity Agenda – education, skills, training, science and innovation
  2. The Future of the Australian Economy
  3. Population, sustainability, climate change and water
  4. Future directions for rural industries and rural communities
  5. A long-term national health strategy – including the challenges of preventative health, workforce planning and the ageing population
  6. Strengthening communities, supporting families and social inclusion
  7. Options for the future of indigenous Australia
  8. Towards a creative Australia: the future of the arts, film and design
  9. The future of Australian governance: renewed democracy, a more open government (including the role of the media), the structure of the Federation and the rights and responsibilities of citizens
  10. Australia’s future security and prosperity in a rapidly changing region and world.
I write about this as it is inspiration.
Australia needs to build in science research, medicine, indigenous health and education, health and art


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