Joaquin va al jardin

We have decided to start Joaquin at a preschool here. Yesterday was his first day. Classes are either morning 8.00am to 12.15 or afternoon 1-.5.30pm. We have him in the morning class, and drop him off at 8am. He is the salita de 4-5 (4years to 5 years class) even though he is only 3 and 1/2 but he is taller than the other kids. So we have literally thrown him in the deep end of the pool, classes every day in the morning, all in spanish, no one he knows, and everyone that is older than him. But you know what, he is doing very well and quite happy already. His teacher Senorita Lili says he is doing very well, speaks in english but will get a hang of it. They do have english classes there and the teacher told me he thought it was a little strange he understood everything but no one else did. So hopefully he will do well and pick up Spanish and then I have to get off my lazy bum and speak to him in spanish. When i drop him off he is a little clingy and I stay with him while the kids all go to the main hall and sing a song to the Argentinian flag. Today in the assembly they even mentioned there was a new kid called Joaquin and everyone clapped and so did he. After the assembly his class got to stay in the hall and do sports, the sport teacher told me he is doing well and understood everything he had asked Joaquin to do. I am extremely proud. When the sports teacher came up to me I told Joaquin I was going to go home and he said ok, and I gave him a big kiss, he kissed me and said I am good mummy and ran off. I waved goodbye and he said bye and seemed happy. Makes my heart sing knowing he is doing ok. He is very mature for a little boy, in a strange country, strange people and languages and strange culture. His teacher is nice, here everyone kisses you hello and are very affectionate, I think he likes that as he always wants hugs and kisses. Later i will take a photo of his uniform and post it.