Why am I so stressed
Its Thursday again, Its seems to be the only day I can post. As Monday I am at Uni teaching doing toad and rat dissections to first year students or looking at organs or fossils. Tuesday I am at home or like this tuesday I hit the parks.
Wednesday I also hit the parks and the library and today Thursday I think I will just stay at home.
I have felt a bit stressed out lately. It is the time of the month so that may have explained the reason why I have been so off, physically and mentally just not feeling myself. I don't know how people write about their periods or things like that, It seems a bit hard for me, maybe because I am scared that someone I may teach may read this. Oh well it is all natural part of this life, part of being a mammal.
Well before that time of the month I have been feeling off, and I have had a sore right side for the last week. I was contemplating to go to see a dr about it but in the end I knew my periods were coming. They are exactly 28 days apart. Anyway I just feel so old lately, 37 is old I think. Maybe it has to do with me teaching young people at university, I feel I have lost my youth and my body is just feeling tired. Swimmming makes me feel better and so does eating healthy. Anyway we will see.
I have made a mental note I want to lose some weight, and I want to do a 9km fun run in October.
I also enjoying buying second hand clothes and vintage items.
I bought some second hand items at a local garage sale on Saturday, a really cool sun umbrella for the outside table (photos to come later) and a hand lawnmower. Jas dad already cut the lawn on Saturday after I purchased it and Jas brought it home.
Bought baby clothes from a garage sale in Double bay and some other bits and pieces.
Another thing that I am stressed about is Zalia has started walking and is getting up to mischief. But i am happy she is walking and seems happier. We are all finally over our sickness but now Z and Joaquin have a bit of a cold but are acting ok and happy.

Anyway talking about stress, I can relate to BabyMac's post from last night " I did not have sex last night". It is hard being a woman, trying to keep competitive, worrying about growing old, trying to look good and do healthy things, raising a family, trying hard to raise a family in a healthy way, keeping a home, keeping a home neat and tidy, laundry, making dinner, being creative, keeping children amused, taking them out to the parks, trying to be successful and do what I my profession has taught me. All so hard. I could go on and on, but I won't bore you or act so childish as the truth of the matter is we are very very lucky to have what we have. I am so lucky and happy. The sun is shinning and it is a beautiful day.